Are you on the road quite a bit? Perhaps you put more miles on your vehicle than the national average annual mileage, but maybe you have a friend who drives for a living. The reality of the United States is that our country is geographically spread out and diverse, meaning that we’re essentially forced to
If you’ve had the misfortune of seeing your rear view mirror light up in red and blue, there’s one thought that naturally pops up in your head (after a series of expletives): “Why did I get pulled over?” Chances are, that’s the first question that the police officer will ask you, too. You probably don’t
Depending on where you live, winter conditions may differ greatly: perhaps you live up north and your roads are covered in snow for three months on end, or maybe you live down south and “winter” doesn’t affect your driving experience. Some states get a dynamic winter season marked by 75 degree days in December and
More often than not, we tend to take driving for granted here in the United States. It’s true that our country is massively spread out and driving for hours on end isn’t as efficient as taking high-speed public transportation in Europe or Japan, but that’s just how things are. We hop in our vehicles, expect
The brilliance with automobiles is that you can drive just about anywhere, anytime, completely on your own free will. Sure, you’ll need money for gas and you’ll want to obey the rules of the road, but the often-taken-for-granted freedom of driving is that we can go from Point A to Point B as we please.
Let’s be honest: there’s a certain stigma against radar detectors and the drivers that choose to use them. We’ll be fair; there are many cases where those who are actively avoiding unwanted attention from the cops also happen to be driving like jerks on the road. Like just about anything you’ll encounter in life, there