


We know that word of mouth advertising is absolutely the best kind. We also understand that our customers have been referring their friends and family to us for years. We decided that you should be rewarded for your help and so we created a way to pay you for each referral that winds up buying a unit from us.

Look, we know that you don’t want to sell anything – especially to your friends and, quite frankly, that’s not your job. We don’t need for you to ‘sell’ anyone on our products. All we’re asking is for you to use the enclosed link and send it to your contacts. Perhaps with a simple note like “I’ve been using these guys’ products for years and they have saved me several tickets” and follow it with the link provided. This link will take them to a special page where we’ll tell them all about our product and give them a chance to purchase one and... because you sent them, we'll give them $50.00 off.

Anyone that you refer with this link that purchases a unit will receive a bonus New-Customer Discount. You will also receive $70.00 as our way of saying thank you. This is NOT a store credit that you must use with us, but cash in your PayPal account to use any way you wish. So, not only do you get to share the good news about our product but your associate will get $50.00 off their purchase and you’ll get $70.00 in your pocket.

Now, you can also get paid for referrals you send our way, and we do all the hard work. Further, we’ll send you a link and instructions so you can find out how many of your friends are going to your page. We’ll track all the hits we get to our site from your referrals. Even if they don’t buy then and come back a month or two later, you’ll still get credit for the sale!

Imagine. What could you do with an extra $70.00? What about $700.00?...or even more? Take a vacation; buy a Judge 2.0, make that car payment, take the family out for a fun weekend getaway. The choice is all yours.

We've created an Affiliate Dashboard so you can track clicks, earnings and other information.  You can see it below after logging in.  If you need to set a password or can't remember yours, simply click the "CLICK HERE TO RESET YOUR PASSWORD" link.

